If you'd like to support any of the efforts of the PFW Foundation, we'd be honored to have you partner with us.
You can direct your gift to a specific area, or you can allow our board to use it at their discretion. Every gift is qualified as a tax-exempt contribution and receipts will be provided.
Examples of giving needs
While dollar amounts are shown below, please know that any amounts can be accepted and would be appreciated:
$5 - Packs one shoebox gift
$400 - equips one veteran's apartment
$500 - funds one man for one month at Justin's place
$1,000 - Funds one couple for a 4 day retreat
We accept contributions by check or credit card. (Please be aware your gift by credit card will be reduced by +/- 3% for unavoidable processing fees).
Please specify what work you'd like to support, and at what amount. Remember 100% of your gift will go to your designated request. (Less the +/- 3% charged if giving by credit card).
Work you can support
Operation Christmas Child
Homeless Veterans
Justin’s Place
Pastor’s Couples Retreats
Mercy Needs
Board Discretion
Make an impact today
Access secure site below to use your credit card to give.
Please note that the credit card company will deduct +/- 3% of your gift as a processing fee. If you’d prefer that 100% of your gift comes to us consider sending a check.
Give by check
Checks can be made out to the PFW Foundation and mailed to:
17400A Falls Road
Upperco, MD 21155
Please specify on the memo line which work you’d like to support.